We were recently honoured to be invited by the South Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries to present the company to the second annual International Conference on Fishing Communities
This was a globally important conference being held immediately before two other global conferences in South Korea, the UN’s INC 5 on Plastic Pollution and The World Bank’s IDA21.
That this smaller, more intimate and more explictly community-oriented gathering took place before the larger, more structural and policy-focussed meetings gave some delagates the opportunity to attend both. There were certainly commonalities of interest in all three.
But it was noticable that the lack of lobbyists at the event meant that genuine dialogue could take place without any obvious spoiling activity. Of course there wasn’t a global treaty in play but as one experienced Nigerian delegate shared with our founder, Ian, at the end of the conference – “This one felt important”
If you would like to view our founder’s presentation it can be seen from 29:00 in the following video of Session 2 – Fishing Community Business Transformation and Emerging Opportunities